Southend Victoria (Station)

Crime data, please note:

Crime statistics need to be viewed in context. For instance, busy stations will inevitably generate more reported crime than those that are less busy. On-train crime happens along the route of the train but is recorded generally at the end station or terminus station meaning figures could be higher at these stations.

Crime statistics are not always accurate indicators of risk. Police activity to target particular offences, changes in reporting patterns and other factors can affect reported crime figures. The figures on this website are close to real time data, so may be corrected over time. For instance, a reported crime may turn out after investigation not to be a crime or a crime may be reported and so recorded some time after the event.

Dramatic fluctuations, whether up or down, can be misleading, and, if misused, statistics can contribute to the fear of crime. Hundreds of millions of passenger journeys are made safely each year and the statistics should be viewed in that context.

Long term trends are usually a better indication of the true picture.

British Transport Police provides the information on this site for information only and accepts no responsibility for any use made of it.